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Health Symptoms & Causes

Causes and Treatment of Lower Left Abdominal Pain in Men

Lower Left Abdominal Pain in Men

Lower left abdominal pain in men is generally considered as a mild or moderate pain and is generally not a reason to worry, it takes a day or two and it clears up. In some cases when the pain is due to some traumatic injury or accident, you need to contact your health care provider. In this article we will study the cause of pain in lower left abdomen along with the possible treatment options.


What is Lower Left Abdominal Pain in Men?

The pain in lower left abdomen is generally not a serious medical condition and with the passage of time it clears up if there is no underlying health issue. On the other hand, sometimes the pain in lower left abdomen needs immediate medical supervision if some other symptoms are associated with it. If pain in lower left abdomen is accompanied with these symptoms, you need to consult your doctor:

  • Tenderness or swelling in the area along with pain in lower left abdomen.
  • Fever
  • Stools containing blood and pain in lower left side of back.
  • Uncontrolled nausea and vomiting and considerable reduction in weight
  • Paleness of skin as in Jaundice.

In this article we will study the possible causes of pain in lower left abdomen and when is the condition worrisome.

Causes of Lower Left Abdominal Pain in Men:

There are several reasons of pain in lower left abdomen in males. The most common causes are listed below:

  • Diverticulitis:


In most of the cases pain in lower left side of abdomen is caused due to a medical condition known as diverticulitis. The development of small pouch like structures in the week spots inside the colon results in abnormal swelling, infection and pain in lower left side of abdomen. The small pouches which develop inside the colon are known as diverticula and the condition is known as diverticulitis. The condition is common in makes as they cross 40 years. Other symptoms of the disease are fever with abdominal tenderness and swelling, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea along with mild pain in lower left side of abdomen, or sharp lower left abdominal pain. When the disease is at the beginning, it can be treated with the help of antibiotics and simple dietary changes while in acute conditions surgery is recommended. It is therefore recommended to consult your doctor if you experience dull pain in lower left abdomen in males to rule out the risk of complications.

  • Gas:

Belching is a normal condition which means passing a gas. The gas is present in the digestive tract as a result of digestion. The main causes of excessive gas are swallowing in more than normal air, unhealthy dietary habits, smoking, eating high fiber diet etc. under normal circumstances, the gas is not a big reason to worry, but if the condition is accompanied with certain other symptoms like nausea and vomiting, pain in lower left side of abdomen, constipation or diarrhea, frequent and considerable weight loss, bloody stools and heartburn along with pain in lower left abdomen and back, you need to consult the doctor.

  • Hernia:

When an internal body organ or any part of the body is pushed through muscle or surrounding tissue, it results in hernia. In abdomen and groin, sometimes due to hernia a lump makes its appearance. Pain in lower left side of abdomen, increase in the bulge size, and increase in the intensity of left side abdominal pain, a feeling of fullness etc are the general symptoms of this condition. However the symptoms of hernia are different, for example no bulge is seen in hiatal hernia. It is necessary to contact your doctor as hernia might result in some serious health concerns. Hence whenever there is persistent left side abdominal pain, you are advised to talk to your health care provider.


  • Renal stones:

The left side abdominal pain is often caused by renal or kidney stones. Sometimes the stone in bladder also result in left side abdominal pain. The back pain generally intensifies with the passage of time. while having stonesĀ  in kidney or urinary tract, you many also suffer from other symptoms like reddish urine which has a characteristic foul smell and cloudy appearance, painful urination and increased urge to urinate, nausea, vomiting along with left side abdominal pain. In males, lower abdominal pain below belly button is generally an indication of urinary tract infection. Under extreme cases, patients experience chills and fever as well. Immediate medical supervision is needed if you experience any lower or upper left abdominal pain (male or female).

  • Shingles:

The virus Varicella zoster stays in a body for a long time with no visible symptoms. The virus becomes active later in the life as a person crosses the 50 years age mark and show up as Shingles. One of the main causes of left abdominal pain is shingles, an infection which results in the appearance of painful rash and blisters spread across the body. In some cases these rashes also appear on face and neck. In some mild conditions however the left abdominal pain is felt without any rash. The most common symptoms of the disease are numbness or tingling sensation, blisters and rash on one or both sides of the body, mild to intense itching, sensitivity to touch along with left abdominal pain.


  • When to See your Doctor?

The left abdominal pain is generally not a big reason to worry, however if the pain is accompanied by some other symptoms you need to consult your doctor. Any pain which stays for more than 3 to 4 days alarms something serious and you need to see your doctor without any delay. Left abdominal pain in some cases is an indication of some serious health concerns.

The Bottom Line:

The left abdominal pain is generally not a reason to worry. But under few conditions when accompanied with some other symptoms, you need to talk to your health care provider as this type of pain can be an indication of something serious inside the body. Make sure to consult doctor in time to rule out the risk of further complications. Indigestion and gas, kidney stones, diverticulitis and shingles are the most common conditions which result in left abdominal pain.

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About the author

Jennifer K. Garcia

Jennifer K. Garcia is a is a health consultant form last 6 year. She is finally decided to run a blog to help people online.You can contact her via Email or follow her on Facebook. Also add him on