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Health Symptoms & Causes

What Causes of Pain under left armpit ?

pain under left armpit

The pain under left armpit is caused several reasons like pregnancy, cancer, swollen lymph nodes, pinched nerves, breastfeeding, waxing, muscular pain and cystic acne etc. The pain can equally affect both females and males and people of any age group.


What is pain under left armpit?

The pain under left armpit is usually a dull ache, stinging feeling or soreness in and around the areas of armpit. The area under the armpit is known as axilla, the pain is dull or sharp, mild or stabbing and sometimes it affects both the armpits. If you are experiencing pulled muscle or the shingles or either allergic reactions it can result in pain under left armpit.

 Causes of pain under left armpit:

There are several causes of pain under left armpit. Some of the main causes of the pain are:

  • Muscular strain:

The overuse of muscles of chest and arm during an active sport or exercise can result in muscular strain and as a result of which a person is likely to suffer from pain under left armpit. A muscle which runs up into the shoulder is known as pectoralis major, while lifting heavy weights or playing active sports like tennis or badminton the muscle stains often result in pain under left armpit. This pain under left armpit and shoulder is sometimes due to the inflammation of the muscles of chest or upper arm. The upper arm muscle is known as coracobrachialis which often gets strained while playing baseball, tennis or similar sports. Therefore, sportsmen usually suffer from pain under left armpit and shoulder.

Muscular strain

  • Conditions of skin:

When the delicate parts of the skin are shaved, it can result in skin irritation. There are certain detergents as well as body deodorants which can trigger this irritation. The rash thus produced is known as contact dermatitis. These are however temporary and mild conditions but can result in sharp pain under left armpit and shoulder.

  • Shingles:

Another condition which results in pain under left armpit and shoulder is known as shingles. The virus known as varicella-zoster can cause this infection. The signs of shingles are a dry scaly skin with rashes at the back, under arms and chest accompanied by pain under left armpit and shoulder. These Shingles also result in sensations like burning and tingling on the affected parts of the skin.


  • Swollen lymph nodes:

A network of nodes and glands spread in the body comprises of our lymphatic system. The fluid running through these nodes and glands is known as lymph. It is an important substance in the body since it helps to fight against infections. Lymph nodes are generally higher in number near the armpits (both left and right). These lymph nodes sometimes turn tender due to some underlying infections like flu and cold and result in sharp pain under left armpit and shoulder. The condition when lymph nodes are blocked results in the fluid buildup results in swelling around the lymph nodes, the medical term used for this condition is Lympedema, and the swelling is highly painful and causes sharp pain under left armpit and shoulder. The swollen lymph nodes can result in cancer if left untreated.

Swollen lymph nodes

  • PAD (peripheral artery disease):

The condition where smaller blood vessels in the arms and legs get narrowed is known as PAD or peripheral artery disease. As a result of PAD, there is decrease in the flow of blood as well as oxygen to the surrounding tissues and muscles of the limbs. When the muscles are short of oxygen they hurt. This condition results in Sharp pain under left armpit and shoulder and right side of the body is equally prone to this infection.

  • Breast cancer:

In the initial stages, the breast cancer is generally painless. But if you ever experience a sharp pain under left armpit or right armpit or under the breast, you need to consult your doctor immediately. If diagnosed earlier, there are more chances of treatment of breast cancer. The pain under left armpit female is generally due to the lump of tissues growing abnormally inside the breast.

Breast cancer


Symptoms of pain under left armpit and shoulder:

There are several causes of sharp pain under left armpit and shoulder, the symptoms are also variable depending on the cause of pain. For example, if the pain under left armpit and shoulder is caused by skin conditions like inflammation of hair scalp and follicles or shingles there will be visible rashes along with the pain. The pain in left armpit no lump is generally due to skin conditions. However if you are experiencing pain in left armpit and chest, it might be due to muscular strain. The pain under left armpit and chest is also due to the formation of tumor inside the breast which needs immediate medical supervision. The condition is usually common in females. However the pain under left arm pit male is caused by swollen lymph nodes. Any pain under left armpit in female or either right armpit should be consulted with doctor without any delay. The initial signs of breast cancer are considerable changes in size and shape of breast along with dimpling of skin on the breast etc.

Treatment of sharp pain under left armpit:

Any pain under left armpit and shoulder if related to muscular strain requires complete rest and you will feel better in few days. On the other hand, if this sharp pin under left armpit and shoulder is a typical armpit pain with lump it must be discussed with your health care provider. If suspected you will be asked for further tests related to the breast cancer or lymph nodes disorders. If you are experiencing pain under left armpit (male) or pain under right armpit (female), with the appearance of rashes and associated skin concerns, you need to consult a dermatologist.

When to see the doctor:

If you experience any of these conditions for few days, you need to consult your health care provider without any delay:

  • Sharp pain under left armpit while breathing
  • Sharp pain under left armpit while coughing
  • Pain under left armpit (female)
  • Appearance of any lump
  • A pain accompanied by rash on the armpits
  • Pain in left side under armpits and ribs.


The pain under left armpit (male) or pain under left armpit (female) is caused by several reasons. The main causes include the swelling of lymph nodes, skin irritation followed by shaving the delicate parts, breast cancer, and muscular strains. It can be a symptom of something serious going inside the body, hence without any delay, you need to consult your health care provider for the in time diagnosis and treatment options.

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About the author

Jennifer K. Garcia

Jennifer K. Garcia is a is a health consultant form last 6 year. She is finally decided to run a blog to help people online.You can contact her via Email or follow her on Facebook. Also add him on