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Health STD

A Complete Guide to STDs [ The Sexually Transmitted Diseases ]


The sexually transmitted diseases are also known as STDs, as the name indicates, they are transmitted sexually. The spread of these diseases is mainly (though not exclusively) due to sexual intercourse. There are many forms of sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrhea, genital herpes, Syphilis, genital warts etc. The sexually transmitted diseases list is incomplete without AIDS caused by HIV. In America, STDs are among the most reported diseases with incurable form in more than 65 million people. The main concern about STDs is the increasing rate of infections in people of young ages from 16 to 26 years. In this article, we will study different types of sexually transmitted diseases, their causes and preventive measures.


What are STDs?

Sexually transmitted diseases definition (or STD definition) is any disease which is likely to spread via sexual activity.  Sexually transmitted diseases are also known as STDs; in past they were named venereal diseases or VD. The infections of such diseases are mainly spread by sexual intercourse. At initial stages, sexually transmitted disease symptoms are not much particular and as a result there is more risk of spread of the infection to others. However some symptoms like Vaginal or penile discharge, genital ulcers, pelvis pain are considered as initial symptoms of STDs. The infected mother is likely to pass on the infection to the developing fetus along with poor outcomes. On the other hand there are some STDs results in decreased fertility and couples get problem in conceiving. STDs are caused by certain microbes such as bacteria, virus, fungus or other parasites. Most of the sexually transmitted diseases or most common STDs are transmitted via sexual intercourse while there are some cases when contaminated blood transfusion, breastfeeding, childbirth etc can result in the spread of such diseases. There are several diagnostic tests available for the diagnosis of STDs.

Recommended Reading: All About Blue Waffles STD [Sexually Transmitted Infections]

What are STDs?

Main Causes of STDs:

All types of infections which are transmitted mainly through sex or blood transfusion are grouped under STDs. The organisms causing STDs are bacteria, virus, fungus infection, and other parasites such as protozoa. Causative germ of STDs stays in the semen, vaginal discharge, penis discharge, and in some of the occasions in saliva, this is one of the reason why oral sex can sometimes result in the spread of STDs. Apart from sex, some other ways of transmission of STDs particularly Hepatitis are:

  • Use of unsterilized hypodermic needles
  • Sharing toothbrushes
  • Tools used for piercing and tattooing
  • Unsterilized surgical equipments
  • Infected safety razors
  • Blood transfusion or organ transplant from an infected person

Considerable Aspects for STD Types:

Since the STDs are among most widespread diseases of the modern times, there are so many concerns regarding the disease. Here are some general concerns of the people regarding STDs.

Frequently asked Questions regarding STDs and STD types:

  • If mother is suffering from STD, Can baby get STDs?

There are some sexually transmitted diseases which can cross the placenta and result in infecting the growing fetus inside it. Some infections are also passed on to fetus at the time of birth. It is therefore extremely important to get proper tests regarding the presence of any such infection. As you visit your doctor in early pregnancy you can ask to get some diagnostic tests to find out whether you are having any STD or not. Also during pregnancy, you need to avoid sexual intercourse with multiple partners or if needed you need to use latex condoms as preventive measures against STDs. In case of having sex with a suspected partner you can talk to your doctor regarding the risk factors involved in getting STDs during pregnancy.

  • Can STDs Make one Infertile or Reduce Fertility?

There are some infections like Chlamydia which results in infertility, disease is common in both men and women. Infertility is generally caused when a female has been infected for a long time and the infection has damaged the organs particularly ovaries. Some other STDs can also result in loss of reproductive ability or infertility if left untreated. However, if the infections are diagnosed earlier and they are treated well in time these risks can be avoided. Also if you are planning for pregnancy, you need to take care of your genital health and make sure to avoid having sex with multiple partners.

Recommended ReadingAll About Std Blue waffles Symptoms in Women 

Can STDs Make one Infertile or Reduce Fertility

  • Can Oral Sex Result in the Transmission of STDs?

STDs can be transmitted via oral sex. In comparison to vaginal or anal sex, oral sex is much safer but still there is a possibility of transmission of STDs during oral sex. There are several preventive measures however which can reduce this risk, the use of latex condom and dental dam are best preventive measures. A dental dam is a latex rectangle which is placed between mouth and vagina (or anus) to ensure safety. Remember that preventive measures are best to rule out the risk of getting STDs.

  • Can STDs be Transmitted by Toilet Seats?

The toilets seats are generally not involved in the transmission of STDs. As per STD definition, these diseases are generally transmitted from an infected person to the other during sexual intercourse, vaginal or anal sex. There are several intimate sexual contacts such as genital to genital contact, hand jobs, oral sex etc which can pass on STDs. If not sexual intercourse, blood to blood contact can transmit STDs, such as hepatitis. Also the infected female can pass on the infection to baby at the time of birth.

  • Once after Unprotected Test, How Soon one Can get Tested for STDs?

As early as you suspect yourself of being exposed to sexually transmitted disease, you need to consult your doctor or nearby laboratory for screening. There are some infections which turn symptomatic in few days while some remain silent and multiply quickly in the body damaging the internal organs. Another important aspect is to avoid sexual intercourse or any related activity if you feel yourself exposed to STDs or if you are diagnosed with STDs and getting treatment. If you are having multiple sex partners, you are at increased risk of getting STDs and hence it is important to get yourself tested for STDs occasionally.

How Soon one Can get Tested for STDs?

  • What to do if STDs are Diagnosed?

Once you are diagnosed positive for STD, you need to get immediate medical supervision. Talk to your health care provider without showing any reluctant attitude as delay in treatment can result in severity of infection. Hold off your sexual contacts immediately if diagnosed with STDs or else you will end up spreading infection to the partner as well. If you are having multiple sexual partners and you have had an unprotected sex in the recent past, there is always a risk of getting such infections. Once the disease is diagnosed, you will be given antibiotics, intravenous antibiotics, topical ointments etc for the treatment.

  • Can STDs be Cured?

Till the date, almost 30 STDs have been discovered across the globe. Most of the STDs are curable and antibiotics along with other prescription medicines, topical ointments etc are used for the treatment. However, some STDs such as HIV (human immune-deficiency virus) remain in the body and are generally incurable.

  • Are there diagnostic Tests for All STDs?

For all the STDs discovered so far, there are diagnostic tests. The only STD which cannot be tested is HPV in men. Simple and non invasive tests are generally used for the diagnosis of STDs. Certain diagnostic tests for STDs make use of blood or urine samples, vaginal or cervical swab, pap etc for testing in laboratories. Once the STD is diagnosed, the treatment will be provided accordingly.

  • How Can one know Exactly for Whether or not Having STD?

As discussed earlier, if you are having promiscuous sexual behavior and having unprotected sex with many sexual partners, consider yourself at increased risk of STDs. you need to talk to your health care provider for diagnostic tests and other precautionary measures you need to take. You can discuss the symptoms and course of treatment with your doctor. Express yourself completely, do not hesitate to discuss the symptoms of STDs you are undergoing. It is also important to report your previous sexual partners once you are diagnosed positive for any STD, especially the partners who have had sexual contact with you in the past 60 days, in this way they can also get tested for STDs.

  • Are STIs and STDs Different?

There is basically a difference of terminology in both. In the early time, a term known as venereal diseases were used for such sexually transmitted infections. The term STD refers to a disease (sexually transmitted disease) where as the term STI indicates the presence of sexually transmitted infections even when the symptoms of disease do not appear prominently. The diseases and infections which are transmitted sexually as mainly passed on to partner during vaginal or anal sexual intercourse. In some cases however, oral sex can also spread the infection to the partner. The latest term which is used now days is sexually transmitted infections as sometimes infections are present without any symptomatic disease.

  • How Can I keep Myself Protected?

One of the best methods to keep you protected from STDs is to avoid multiple sex partners, promiscuous sexual behavior is a key to many such infectious diseases. Make sure that your partner is tested negative with STDs and if you aren’t much sure about the infection status of your partner use latex condoms as they are best in terms of providing protection against STDs. Also there some of the STDs for which even the use of condom cannot ensure safety and they can infect the partner, such diseases are genital herpes and HPV. Hence preventing promiscuous sexual behavior itself is a key to protect you from such infections.

Some Amazing Facts for STDs:

Since the cause and spread of the STDs are known, it is important to keep in mind some amazing facts related to STDs. There are as much as 30 STDs which have been discovered till date and they can be passed on to the sexual partner at the time of intercourse. Some facts to remember are:

  • While having an unprotected sex or having multiple sexual partner, you are being exposed to catch any STD.
  • The rate of STDs in older people is also increasing which is too alarming. In aged people certain factors like divorce and finding new captain is even enough to make them vulnerable to STDs. Since the old people pass their conceiving age, they often don’t realize the importance of condom while indulging in sexual activities. This is one of the main causes of increasing STDs in older people. Condoms are not only used to avoid unplanned pregnancy, it is rather an important safeguard against sexually transmitted diseases.
  • One of the very dangerous aspect of some STDs are there when such infections enter in the body, the microbes grow and multiply inside the body silently producing no prominent symptom. Such infections are gonorrhea and Chlamydia both of which can ultimately result in infertility by damaged the reproductive organs.
  • When STDs are left untreated in the body, PID likelihood is common (pelvic inflammatory disease). It is a type of infection which results in producing scar at the oviducts or fallopian tubes. As the fallopian tubes are damaged by scarring, the released egg fails to be transported to the tube. Since the union of egg and sperm takes place inside the fallopian tube, this scarring interrupts with the fertility of a career female. Male fertility is also affected by STDs but the case is much low in frequency.
  • Most of the times couples having protected sex also complaint of getting STDs, it is due to the fact that condom cannot guarantee 100% protection against STDs. Some diseases like genital herpes and HPV can pass on to the partner even after the use of condom at the time of sex.
  • If someone is suffering from cold sore inside the oral cavity or mouth, one can suffer from some STDS; hence oral sex can also result in the spread of STDs and is no longer considered as a safe sex.
  • It is now a proven fact that not just intercourse, any sexual activity can result in spreading STDs. Some STDs if left untreated can turn into cancer. One of such STD is HPV. If not diagnosed and treated in time, it can result in cervical and vaginal cancer and is generally fatal. In men, the same infection can result in penile cancer or anal cancer. Oral sex with infected partner can cause throat cancer as well. The only way to keep you protected is to avoid promiscuous sexual behavior or multiple sex partners.
  • The career of genital herpes exhibit no symptoms at all in the beginning or symptoms are too mild that people do not bring them under consideration. It is important to get your new partner tested for STD before making any sexual contact.

Some Amazing Facts for STDs

Preventive Measures for STDs:

There are certain measures which can be taken to prevent the spread of STDs and preventing you from STDs. It is important to keep in mind some important aspects of preventive measures. The use of latex as well as polyurethane substance as a barrier is needed for protection against certain STDs and the use of material made up of latex and polyurethane are termed as safe sex. Don’t hesitate to talk to your partner (especially if the partner is new and unknown) about your and partner’s sexual health.

While using some mechanical methods for safe sex like the use of barriers, it is always important to consult doctor to evaluate the efficacy of product being used and follow the instructions of doctor. If doctor is not accessible you can read the content on the box and follow the directions carefully.

It is important to keep in mind that there is no method to ensure 100% guarantee of preventing STDs, not even such barriers. Avoiding promiscuous sexual behavior is the key to stay safe from such diseases. However, some steps while indulging in sexual activities can play important role in limiting the risk of getting STDs.

  • Pre Sex Protection Measures:

STD preventive measures are effective when adapted before indulging in sexual activities. Some preventive measures which are proven to reduce the chance of getting STDs are:

  • Limit your partners so that you have a knowledge regarding their sexual health.
  • Share your sexual stories if any honestly with your potential sex partner.
  • If you are planning for a particular partner to get involved with him in sexual activity get yourself and your partner tested for STD.
  • While high on drugs, avoid having sex.
  • For hepatitis and HPV you can get vaccination from local dispensary.
  • If you find yourself or either your partner diagnosed with STD, interact and share the worries regarding the risks.
  • Safe sex practices:

Some sexual practices are safe to be used and you need to follow them strictly. Such practices include the use of condoms before sexual activity. Before oral sex the use of dental dams can considerably reduce the risk of infections. For other sexual activities like manual penetration you can wear sterile gloves.  It is also important to rinse off the genitals after sex as some infections can be removed especially from the skin. Urinating after sex is also important in this regard as urine expels the recently entered germs out in most of the cases. Also when females urinate after intercourse, there are reduced chances of catching UTIs (Urinary tract infections).

  • Correct Use of Condoms:

The use of latex condom is a key, besides, the correct use of condom is also important. It is advised to read the instructions and follow them strictly as you purchase a box of condoms. You need to check some important aspects about condoms as well like their expiry date, presence of air bubble in the package of condom to ensure it is still intact and safe from being punctured, wearing it correctly leaving a little place at the tip of it for the collection of semen. In the same way you can make use of lubricants which are condom friendly while sexual activities, keep a grip of condom after the ejaculation so that it cannot slip off and once used dispose it well. Condoms are not to be used again they are totally disposable items or else they cannot ensure either birth control or prevention of STDs.

  • Getting Medical Supervision:

Prevention is better than cure, and this is particularly important statement as far as STDs are concerned. You need to have a safe sex. Make it sure to use a right precautionary measure. If you still have some doubts regarding your safety you can talk to the local health care provider and get better options. Doctor can also provide you some measures to reduce the risk of getting infected. Remember, anyone who is active sexually can suffer from STDs.

Types of STDs/ List of STDs:

There are several types of STDs; List of STDs is mentioned below along with the detailed review of each STD.


The disease is generally caused by virus known commonly as Human Immunodeficiency Virus. As the name indicates and according to the human immunodeficiency virus facts have proven, as the virus gains entry in the body it suppresses the activity of our immune system resulting in some disastrous outcomes. The transfusion of blood and exchange of body fluids result in the spread of this infection. It is known as acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.


  • Symptoms of AIDS:

There are no initial symptoms of AIDS, as the human immunodeficiency virus remains silent for years after gaining entry in the body. Some serious kind of symptoms do appear later in the life and could be in the form of fever or rash etc. the disease is called Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome since it is a collection of several diseases caused by destabilizing the immune system of the body. There is no known treatment and the disease is generally fatal.

  • Treatment of AIDS:

There is no known treatment of HIV, the preventive measures against STDs are considered best to reduce the risk of infection. Avoid promiscuous sexual behavior and limit yourself to one sexual partner for long term.

  • Things to Remember:

Human immunodeficiency virus results in weakening of body’s immune system, HIV is one of the serious health threats as there is no known cure of this disease. If right after having sexual intercourse with unknown partner, you realize that you are exposed to infections like HIV, you can have a post exposure prophylaxis (PEP). When you get this PEP the risk of getting infected is significantly reduced. However it is important to get PEP within 72 hours of expected exposure or else it will not work well.


Hepatitis meaning is the inflammation of Liver; there are three kinds of Hepatitis which are widespread especially in the underdeveloped countries of the world. Regardless of the type, all forms of hepatitis are serious and can damage the liver. Hepatitis B and C if not diagnosed in time and no prompt treatment is given to the patient can develop ultimately into Hepato-cellular Carcinoma or Liver Cancer.


  • Hepatitis A:

Hepatitis causes inflammation of the liver, the hepatitis treatment includes fatigue even on slight exertion, loss of appetite, nausea and vomits, darker color of urine and jaundice, enlargement of liver along with fever, frequent diarrhea and dark colored stools etc.

Unfortunately, there is no known cure for Hepatitis A and B. post exposure prophylaxis or PEP can help to reduce to chance of getting infection and also some vaccines are available. Only some medicines are there which can help to reduce the symptoms of the disease.

Hepatitis A spreads mainly due to fecal contamination or via anal sex, people with improper hygiene are at increased risk of such infections especially who do not wash their hands properly after using toilets. Hepatitis B infection remains inside the body without showing any symptom in the initial years.

As with all Hepatitis types and STDs, the preventive measures include, avoiding immoral promiscuous sexual behavior, blood transfusion, exchange of body fluids etc. Is hepatitis Curable? There is no cure of Hepatitis but vaccines against Hepatitis A and B are available and you can get yourself vaccinated, the vaccines are generally administered in three shots after every six months.

  • Hepatitis B:

Hepatitis B causes are same as that of Hepatitis A, the virus stays silent in the body for a long time and will not produce any characteristic symptoms. With the passage of time however the symptoms of Hepatitis B virus become gradually prominent, Hepatitis B symptoms include loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, frequent disturbance of digestive system, headache and fever, dark color of urine and stools, liver enlargement and skin rash. The virus ultimately results in cirrhosis of liver and liver cancer.

As far as Hepatitis B treatment is concerned, there is no proper medication available for either hepatitis A or hepatitis B, preventive measures against hepatitis B transmission are considered best to keep stay protected. Hepatitis B cure is not known yet however there are some medications which are given to reduce the discomfort of the patient. Hepatitis B vaccines are available worldwide and those who feel at increased risk of this infection must get vaccinated to ensure their health. Hepatitis B infection spreads through contaminated hypodermic needles, razors, vaginal infections, infected body fluids, blood transfusion from infected to healthy person etc. Adapting hygienic mode of life and avoiding immoral promiscuous sexual behavior is the key to stay protected from such infectious diseases.

  • Hepatitis C:

What is hepatitis C caused by? Hepatitis C is caused by virus which results in the inflammation of liver. Among Hepatitis C symptoms, rash, loss of appetite, frequent loss of weight, disturbance in digestive system which results in nausea, vomits and diarrhea, fever, dark colored stools and urine, liver enlargement and inflammation. Another form of hepatitis is alcoholic hepatitis which is seen in the people with increased alcohol. With the high concentration of alcohol the liver cells are exposed to high stress in order to detoxify it and ultimately due to this stress the liver cells get inflamed and the soft cells are replaced by hard fibrous bands, the condition is known as liver cirrhosis which ultimately results in liver cancer. Hepatitis C treatment is still not known however some medicines are given to the patients, to minimize the discomfort and reduce the symptoms of disease.

Hepatitis C spreads mainly through transfusion of contaminated blood, exchange of body fluids, sharing of contaminated hypodermic needles, and unprotected sex is the key to transmit the infection. As with other types of Hepatitis, the most effective way to get rid of such infectious diseases is to avoid promiscuous sexual behavior. Keeping and following strictly the hygienic measures is a key, avoid sharing tooth brushes, razors, hypodermic needles (one of the main reason of spread of hepatitis in undeveloped countries is the use of contaminated needles and surgical equipments).


It is a bacterial STD or bacterial sexually transmitted disease and spreads via sexual contact. The disease results in the appearance of painful itchy patches or ulcers at genitals along with sores. In STDs list, such type of infections is common which result in genital sores. Chancroid definition is a disease resulting in ulcerative sores at genitals particularly in men.


  • Symptoms of Chancroids :

Symptoms do not appear on females while on males especially around the genitals the painful patches which are ulcerative are produced. The density of these erosive ulcers or sores is high at penis and around it. if left untreated the bacteria make its way to the inner penile tissues and result in secondary complications. Chancroid diagnosis is made on the examination of penis for having characteristic ulcerative sores.

  • Treatment of Chancroids :

Broad spectrum antibiotics are generally used for the chancroid treatment, in extreme cases the skin having ulcer or sores is removed surgically to rule out the risk of serious infection. For Chancroid cure, sometimes to topical antibiotic ointments are also prescribed.

  • Chancroid Facts:

The disease is common in sex workers or people involved in immoral sexual activities. Chancroid is one of the most common STDs in United States

  • Prevention OF Chancroids:

For most of the STD types, it is better to adapt precautionary measures. The prevention methods are abstaining from promiscuous sexual behavior, use of mechanical barriers like latex condoms to reduce the risk of infection. Since it is a bacterial infection and skin to skin contact can result in spreading it as well, the use of condoms is not 100% guarantee of protection against it.


In the list of STDs, Trichomoniasis is the most curable disease. Trichomoniasis STD causes million of people in United States every year. Trichomoniasis treatment includes the prescription antibiotics. How do you get Trichomoniasis? The disease is causes by bacterium and even skin to skin contact sometimes can result in spread of this infection. Besides, immoral sexual activities result in the spread of this infection.


  • Trichomoniasis Symptoms:

Trichomoniasis in females results in abnormal vaginal discharge with frothy yellowish appearance along with vaginal swelling. Trichomoniasis in men results in painful ejaculation and urination along with local lesions at penis. In most of the cases the Trichomoniasis symptoms in men are not prominent however Trichomoniasis discharge is the most common symptom in females.

Trichomoniasis Symptoms

  • Trichomoniasis Treatment:

The disease is caused by bacterium hence it is treated with antibiotics. It is important to consult doctor immediately as soon as some rashes appear on the genitals.

  • Trichomoniasis Prevention:

Since Trichomoniasis definition is the disease caused by trichomonads which basically lives and reproduces on urinary tract and genitals. Prevention is better against the disease, the use of condoms and avoiding promiscuous sexual behavior is a key to prevent STDs.

   5-Genital Warts or Human Pappilomavirus (HPV):

Among the list of STDs discovered so far, one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases is HPV which is also known as genital warts. It is expected that almost 50% of people who are sexually active suffer at least once in their life time from this disease. Human papillomarivirus symptoms normally take some time and clear up without causing any harmful effect initially. But later on it can lead to various types of cancer. What causes HPV? Human papillomarivirus causes this STD.

Genital Warts or Human Pappilomavirus (HPV)

  • HPV Symptoms:

HPV has huge diversity as there are 100 types of such viruses. Virus clears on its own after sometime in most of the cases without any symptom but however some viruses result in the appearance of genital warts which are considered to be the cause of cervical or vaginal cancer.

  • Human Papillomarivirus Treatment:

Most of the HPV infections clear up with the passage of time. However the genital warts which are produced as a result of HPV are treated in different ways such as prescription antibiotics to be applied topically in the form of gels or ointments. Sometimes the use of tincture iodine or liquid nitrogen is also prescribed to the patients. In extreme cases warts are needed to be removed by surgery.

  • HPV in Females:

In females there are specially designed PaP tests for the diagnosis of HPV. Once the virus enters the body, there is no known treatment of it. HPV in the body results in abnormal cell divisions and as a result abnormal cells are formed. Colposcopy is another option of treatment to be given to the patients to rule out the risk of tumor formation through these abnormal cells.

  • Facts about HPV:

HPV or human papillomarivirus remains silent killer inside the body, there is no proper test for it as well. The STD will take its time and go on its own but it produces deadly outcomes in the body by inducing the growth of cancerous cells. Is HPV permanent? HPV itself is not permanent but it can result in the formation of abnormal cells leading to cancer.

  • HPV Prevention Measures:

Preventive measures are important, avoiding immoral or promiscuous sexual behavior is a key along with it some proper hygiene measures are also needed. To ensure better protection against the disease, you can use vaccines which can prevent various forms of HPV to enter in the body and in this way you can stay protected from genital warts and cancer of the genitals. Cervical cancer (HPV cancer) is the most widespread cancer which affects so many sexually active females.

   6-Genital Herpes:

Genital Herpes STD is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections and the infection remains silent in the body for most of the time. Genital pimples or genital sores are produced which are in the form of blisters across genitals and anal regions.

Genital Herpes

  • Genital Herpes Symptoms:

The symptoms as mentioned above include the appearance of blisters of genital sores. When such blisters outbreak initially these are in worst ever form.

  • Genital Herpes Treatment:

The treatment is still not clear but there are certain medicines (antiviral) which can provide relief from discomfort and prevent sore outbreak till the carrier person is taking those medicines.

  • Prevention of Genital Herpes :

Avoid promiscuous sexual behavior, limit to one long term partner. If you feel being exposed to the infection, consult your health care provider soon. The virus can be passed on the partner even by skin to skin contact.


Gonorrhea STD is a bacterial infection and is one of the most common STDs in United States which equally affects both male and female. Though the disease can be cured with antibiotics but few strains of bacteria have been discovered which have developed resistance against antibiotics.


  • Gonorrhea Symptoms:

In many cases there are no prominent symptoms of the disease, abnormal or increased yellowish vaginal discharge in females and swelling across genitals in male are the characteristic symptoms of this disease. If left untreated, it damages the internal organs and results in infertility.

  • Treatment of Gonorrhea:

Antibiotics are used to treat gonorrhea. While on treatment course, patient is advised not to get involved in any sexual activity. As soon as the disease symptoms fade away and antibiotics treatment is over, you can restart your sexual life.


As per Chlamydia definition, Chlamydia STD is one of the most leading causes of infertility though curable. Luckily the disease can be prevented as well as its treatment is possible too.


  • Chlamydia Symptoms:

Chlamydia symptoms include increase vaginal discharge and burning sensation while urination, in females it is accompanied by severe UTI and can result in ectopic pregnancy which is life threatening condition. The occasional bleeding or spotting between periods is also caused by Chlamydia infection.

  • Treatment of Chlamydia :

Antibiotic course is needed for the Chlamydia treatment. The course generally ranges from one day to seven days depending on the severity of infection. Chlamydia causes infection in both males and females and hence the partner (in case of exposure) is also advised some antibiotics to stay safe. Chlamydia in men results in white cloudy Chlamydia discharge from penis and pain while urinating. Antibiotic treatment can provide complete eradication of the disease.

   8-Bacterial Vaginosis or BV:

It is a bacterial infection which is caused only in females due to the excessive growth of bad bacteria in cervix or vagina.

Bacterial Vaginosis or BV

  • Bacterial vaginosis or BV Symptoms:

The general symptoms of the disease include cloudy white vaginal discharge which in extreme cases turn yellowish with accumulation of pus, painful burning sensation while urinating and UTI.

  • Treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis or BV:

Vaginal ointments or antibacterial medications are prescribed for the treatment of vaginosis and female suffering from this disease is asked to abstain from sexual activities.

  • Special feature Bacterial vaginosis or BV:

The disease is generally known as sexually associated disease not directly related to sex. Sometimes when bad bacteria dominate good bacteria in vagina, there is a risk of getting this disease.


The disease mostly spread when exposed to open sores (if present at genitalia). When it is not treated in time, it can result in secondary complications like damaging central nervous system, causes infection in blood and is fatal in extreme cases. Is syphilis curable? Yes the disease can be cured with antibiotics provided it is diagnosed in time. Can syphilis be cured is always a key concern of people once they get diagnosed with the disease.


  • Syphilis Symptoms:

Syphilis symptoms in females are sores around vagina, mouth or anus. Syphilis symptoms in men are same with sores across penis and body rash. In extreme cases patient suffers from fever and swelling in the lymphatic glands, loss of hair, pain in muscles with increased fatigue etc.

  • Syphilis Treatment:

Syphilis transmission is generally via sexual intercourse with an infection partner. For Syphilis prevention therefore, precautionary measures like abstaining from promiscuous sexual behavior is needed along with the use of condoms or dental dams for sexual activities. The treatment is made with antibiotics and is generally a long treatment.


It is an infection of skin caused by parasites and result in extreme itching. The disease spreads mainly by skin to skin contact. Scabies can pass through sexual contact as well.


  • Scabies Symptoms:

Scabies result in intense itching and rash on the body, the itching is worst across particular body parts like buttocks, genitalia, arms and legs etc. In extreme conditions scabies result in the formation of tiny skin burrows as the mites tunnel their way to the inner parts of the skin. once the infection enters in the body, 2—6 weeks time is needed before the symptoms appear.

  • Treatment of Scabies:

The disease is treated by scabicidal ointments. These ointments kill the parasitic skin mites along with their eggs. The topical application of ointment for few hours generally overnight is significant. Some antibiotics are also used as well for the treatment of scabies.

  10-Pubic or Crab Lice:

These pubic lice or crab lice are parasites which occupy the Pubic areas of the body and suck blood. These are generally found in pubic hair. Besides, they can also reside in the hair of armpits and chest. The disease can spread through sexual and skin to skin contact.

Pubic or Crab Lice

  • Symptoms Pubic or Crab Lice:

The pubic lice results in intense itching, blue spots on the skin along with sores. Unhygienic conditions favor the growth of such parasites on the skin.

  • Treatment of Pubic or Crab Lice:

The use of medicated shampoos can help in the treatment of pubic lice. You need to maintain strict hygiene of body, clothes and bed sheets you are using.

  11-Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID):

The microbes causing Chlamydia and gonorrhea when move up to the reproductive organs result in Pelvic inflammatory disease or PID.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

  • Pelvic inflammatory Disease Symptoms:

Pelvic inflammatory disease symptoms in male are lower abdominal pain along with fever and chills. Pelvic inflammatory disease symptoms in females include, cervical pain accompanied with chills and fever, disturbance in menstrual cycle etc.

  • Pelvic inflammatory Disease Treatment:

The disease is treated by using certain antibiotics since many bacteria cause this disease. In extreme conditions IVs are also given to the patients. Sometimes, hospitalization is also needed for this purpose.

 12-Mucopurulent Cervicitis (MPC):

The disease is caused by certain organisms especially those who cause gonorrhea and Chlamydia. The disease itself turns into PID if left untreated.

Mucopurulent Cervicitis (MPC

  • Symptoms Mucopurulent Cervicitis (MPC):

Spotting between periods, painful sexual intercourse, bleeding after sex, back pain, cervical soreness are among the symptoms of this disease.

  • Treatment of Mucopurulent Cervicitis (MPC):

Several diagnostic tests are needed to the treatment for MPC. Course of antibiotics is generally prescribed to the patients for complete bacterial eradication.

   13-Molluscum Contagiosum:

The disease is caused by virus. Sexual contacts are the key source of spreading this infection. the disease is also caused by non sexual contacts such as sex toys, sharing of cloths and towels of infected person etc.

  • Molluscum Contagiosum Symptoms:

The main symptoms of this disease are dimpled bumps which are smooth and white in appearance with core looking like a curd. It results in itching around the genitalia.

  • Molluscum Contagiosum Treatment:

The symptoms go away even without prompt medical treatment; you need to consult your health care provider to get rid of bumps.

Molluscum Contagiosum

   14-Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV):

It is a common STD in United States and is particularly in the sexually active people who get indulge in unprotected sex (vaginal, anal and oral).

  • LGV Symptoms:

The ulcers are seen at the infectious part of the body, initially it is so small in size that it remains unnoticed. With the passage of time it results in swelling of lymphatic nodes. Other symptoms of disease are ache and stiffness in groin.

  • LGV Treatment:

The disease is mainly treated with antibiotics. Generally a three week long antibiotic course is prescribed to the patients for complete eradication of pathogen.

The bottom Line:

Sexually transmitted diseases STD are most often termed as sexually transmitted infections now days. Most of STIs are the result of promiscuous sexual behavior and unprotected sex. As we studied in most of the STDs, the prevention is better as the treatment courses are quite long. Taking strict care of personal hygiene, abstaining from immoral sexual activities is a key to prevent most of the STDs.

Read this Article : All to know about Blue Waffles Pictures STDS 


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About the author

Jennifer K. Garcia

Jennifer K. Garcia is a is a health consultant form last 6 year. She is finally decided to run a blog to help people online.You can contact her via Email or follow her on Facebook. Also add him on