Many issues for women exist who are pregnant. One of it is to know when to take a pregnancy test. The women who are desperate for pregnancy are worried about taking the pregnancy test. They try and find if they are pregnant and when should they pregnancy test. They try to find how soon they can take the test. Many women try the pregnancy test as soon as they do not get a period. Although it is not the best time to check, still they do. Only the women can understand the temptation for getting the pregnancy test. As easy taking the pregnancy test is, getting a positive result is not easy. Many women do not get a positive when they check pregnancy for the first time. The body has not produced the necessary hormones that the pregnancy test can identify. It is, therefore, a chance that you will get a negative pregnancy result. Several reasons exist for the negative pregnancy test result. Know the possibilities of getting a negative pregnancy test result are high. What is the correct time? You may ask what is the earliest you can take a pregnancy test. You may now ask how soon you can check. You may ask what the best time for the pregnancy test is. Here are the answers to these questions.
How Earliest When to Take a Pregnancy Test?
There are a lot of things that you should understand. Know that women do not have the same time to give a positive pregnancy test result. Every woman has different time duration for fertilizing the egg. Every woman has a different period of ovulation. Every woman has a different time for implantation. Expect a negative pregnancy result after early pregnancy testing. The pregnancy test within a week after conception is negative. It takes a very long time for the hCG levels to rise in the urine. The hCG is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. The pregnancy test detects the presence of this hormone in the urine. This body releases the hormone in urine and also the blood after implantation. The general idea is that it takes at least six to twelve days for implantation. It means that you may get a positive pregnancy test result in the seventh day. You may get the positive pregnancy result on the thirteenth day. The earliest time for pregnancy test is at least 14 days after ovulation. It is roughly fifteen to twenty days after conception. It is the earliest time that you can take the pregnancy test. And then expect a positive pregnancy result. However, it may not be the best time to take the pregnancy test. The possibilities are high after 14 days of gestation.
When To Take a Pregnancy Test: Best Time
Now you know you can take the pregnancy test earliest fifteen days after conception. However, it may not be the best time. The best time is at least fifteen to twenty days when you have no period. Of course, the first and the most famous sign of pregnancy is no period. Most women when they skip a period they check for pregnancy. It is why most of the time gives a negative pregnancy result. The reason is that the urine does not have the necessary amount of hCG. The pregnancy strip only recognizes a high amount of hCG. Only then it will display a dark red line. If you check early, the line will be faint. There may be no line at all. So, you must wait for the best time to take the pregnancy test. It is at least 15-20 days after you skip a period. The possibilities are high after 15 days of gestation. Get pregnant and take the pregnancy test as late as possible.
So, if you want that the pregnancy test result comes out as positive the first time you check. Make sure that you take the pregnancy test as late as possible. There is no stopping if you are pregnant then why to waste time and get stressed by experiencing the negative pregnancy test result. The negative possibilities will cause stress and tension. Therefore, be patient and pregnancy test as late as possible. There are many ways in which you can know when to check. You can also go online to know the date for the pregnancy test.
Can You Trust The Online Pregnancy Test?
Today the women are tech-savvy. They use online tools to calculate exact date when they can conduct the pregnancy test. Usually, these pregnancy test online tools are not accurate. They can help you tell the time, but it may not be exact. You should stay away from the online pregnancy test calculators. You should rely on your gut. According to the studies, the pregnancy tests are 97% accurate. It does not mean if you get a negative pregnancy test you are not pregnant. The reason is that you check for pregnancy too early to get a positive pregnancy result. It is why patience is the key to getting a positive pregnancy test result.
Once you read the above article about the pregnancy test, you will come to know about the timing of gestation test. You will know it is not a good idea to take the pregnancy test too early. You might end up in regret. It takes time for implantation and ovulation during pregnancy. The time of ovulation is different for every woman. You might be one of the women who take time for fertilizing the egg during pregnancy. You might be one of the women who take time for ovulation. So, instead of being desperate, you need to be patient. Try and relax. Keep your diet healthy. Hope for the best and then take the pregnancy test after 20 days of conception. Use the best brand for testing the pregnancy. There are many pregnancy strips in the market which do not give accurate results. So, try and avoid the notorious products. Only rely on the best brand, no matter how much they cost. Or, the best way is to let a doctor take the pregnancy test using the equipment.
Several women get a negative pregnancy result even after a month of conception. Keep trying. Consult the doctor only if you sense a greater problem. Always take proper diet and do not forget to Home pregnancy test for pregnancy again if you fail the pregnancy test the first time.