Period or menstrual cramps are common in more than half of the females. The pain is due to the contraction of uterus and is known medically as dysmenorrhea...
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What causes morning headaches? Waking up with headache is among the most unwanted things you have to face as you startup your day. Stress, work load, tension...
A small pimple around the edge of an eyelid is known as chalazia or stye. These pimples are painful and irritating. Though they are not an indication of some...
One of the very common diseases of gums in human beings is gingivitis. It is an infectious disease accompanied with swelling and redness of gums with...
A scalp which is dry and itchy with white flakes is a most unwanted thing. The dryness of scalp is often linked to any infection, dandruff, eczema and...
Since aging is an important aspect of life. Some of the aging signs appear on the skin and exposed parts of the body. There are some factors which result in...
Pain behind ear is considered as a type of headache which is felt by few people. It is always important to find out the actual cause of pain behind left ear or...
Oligomenorrhea is a name which is generally given to a condition where menstrual cycle is irregular in females. It is a reason of big concern in females...
A small sac or capsular structure which in some cases is filled with liquid, jelly or gas like material is known as cyst. There is great variation in the size...
Blue Waffles is a sexually transmitted disease which affects sexually active women. It is a vaginal infection which adds characteristic bluish green to violet...