Pain at the base of skull, top of neck is caused due to several reasons and it is not easy to identify the exact cause of pain. The parts of located between...
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There are some important and delicate organs in the left side of our body including heart, liver, and kidney. Any of the disorder in these body organs can...
There are often thickened skin pouches in the form of small hard circles known as corns, they generally appear on feet. The main cause of corns on the skin is...
Are you fed up of the excessive moles on your skin especially face? How to remove flat moles? Worried about a ferociously placed mole on the face? The good...
Due to high concentration of important minerals and salts Dead Sea is unique. The substance is highly rich in some important minerals such as potassium...
Ears are needed to be cleaned when too much ear wax is seen accumulated. The condition where ear wax is produced in excess and blocks the opening of an ear is...
One of the most awful pains experienced by a person is the sharp lower left abdominal pains which are generally sharp and stabbing or pulsing. You need to...
The stress to the stomach results in burning sensation in stomach and can result in pain and other serious health concerns. There are a lot of possible causes...
Chicken pox is caused by a virus named Varicella Zoster; the disease is characterized by the appearance of small blisters on the skin. These blisters are...
Most of us suffer from embarrassing situation of dull and lifeless hair with fallen flakes at shoulders. In most of the cases, the actual cause of this...