Believe me when you say that you have never listened about this Disease before you are not alone. There are so many among us who do not usually keep up with...
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To have flawless skin is a dream of every person. There are lots of skin problems that take away the glow from your skin making it dull. Pimples on the skin...
Hemorrhoids are one of the most common diseases of modern civilization. The disease is also known as piles. One can suffer from this disease at any time in the...
Bunion is a Greek word for turnip. The term is nowadays used commonly for bony bumps which are seen growing on the outer side of the foot. Since these bunions...
Dead skin on the feet is caused by many reasons; one of the key reasons is the lack of moisture. Taking good care of feet is as important as that of facial...
Rashes appear at any part of the skin due to heat and moisture. Rashes on inner thighs is not an ailment or a disease, it is an ordinary skin condition which...
Little and tiny red dots on skin are caused by several reasons and most of them are not likely to raise any serious concern while some of these red dots on...
The biggest problem of modern day living is stress which results in some diseases and uncomfortable situations like headache. One can develop headache at...
Human female menstrual cycle is under control of hormones and the length of this cycle is approximately 23-27 days under normal circumstances. The cycle is...
Sharp pain under right breast is a condition which people feel sometimes but lack the probable causes of it. In some conditions the pain gets too intense that...