How to remove black spots caused by pimples or sunburn? One of the main skin concerns in adults is the appearance of a black spot or spots on face. These Tiny...
Category - Home Remedies
Home remedies, Natural cures and information on causes, symptoms and diet conditions for common ailments and diseases. Also provides information on Health benefits from common ingredients like honey, garlic, aloe vera and Many others.
How to get rid of big calluses on toe? Sometimes certain areas of the skin due to the pressure and weight become thicker. These hardened skin parts are...
How to settle upset stomach and diarrhea? There is several range of symptoms which are linked with the sour stomach, the disturbance in upper digestive tract...
There are often thickened skin pouches in the form of small hard circles known as corns, they generally appear on feet. The main cause of corns on the skin is...
Are you fed up of the excessive moles on your skin especially face? How to remove flat moles? Worried about a ferociously placed mole on the face? The good...
The stress to the stomach results in burning sensation in stomach and can result in pain and other serious health concerns. There are a lot of possible causes...
Jock itch is a fungal infection also known as Tinea cruis, it is a skin infection. The group of fungi causing skin infection is known as tinea. A mold like...
Tickle in throat is one of the annoying conditions which have no apparent reason. Even in the people who are healthy, who do not smoke often suffer from this...
Ear wax is produced to keep the ear lubricated and free from microbes and foreign particles. Sometimes the wax gets accumulated deep inside the ear which...
Our body has a powerful immune system which helps to fight against infections and other foreign particles which gain entry into the body. Allergies are the...