Neurology deals with the study of structure and all the procedures involved in the treatment of malfunctions of central nervous system. The nervous system is a...
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Last and third molars at each side of both lower and upper jaws are known as wisdom teeth. In the human dentition, these are the final teeth to show-up. As...
Braces are being used by huge population, according to a survey; almost 4 million United States citizens use braces to make their teeth look straight. Teeth...
There are many issues related to teeth and gums which need a removal of wisdom tooth or a third molar. Such dental issues include inflamed gums or...
In the recent years, the dental braces have changed a lot; there is however some wrong concepts regarding braces and specialist dentist you approach. Here are...
Cleaning the teeth is vital, it is not only useful for teeth but for healthy mind as well as body, you need to maintain the oral hygiene. Teeth are nature’s...
A urination which occurs involuntarily at night while asleep is known is nocturnal enuresis, usually kids under 5-6 years of age have involuntary urination at...
Obesity is always a bad news as far as your health is concerned. The accumulation of fat on any part of body tends to make the overall looks odd and end up in...
The word laxative is derived from a Latin word “Laxatus” which means to loosen. Laxative is basically a food, medication or either any compound which can cause...
Turkey neck is another term which is associated with Neck fat, the form of stubborn fat which likes under the skin of neck. To tone it up, it might get pesky...